The future of everything
Electric cars have halted several years of automotive research, the traditional engines are now called ic engines (internal combustion) engines.
Battery manufactures will be the next Infosys and Wipros of the world.
R&D in battery and related business will have great job potential.
The most famous job interview question, where would like to see your self 5 years from now? will have no relevance, as many of the jobs that exist today won’t exist 5 yrs from now. Ai (artificial intelligence) will take over.
The goolgle assist will make the job of call centre executives looks like a joke.
The medical transcription job will lose its relevance in no time, because the voice recognition software are so superior with the event of technology.
Travellers will find it easy to go to remotest places and with the help of google translate you can communicate in Russian without knowing a word in Russian. Your google lens can read Chinese and guide you to your exact location.
You can cycle in entire city of Berlin without asking anyone for location just use google maps and it all so easy.
Using Ai google can realise what the customer wants and recommend him greatest products or services. Google assist with help of what’s app integration will send messages about the customer of exactly as what he wants.
Many of the jobs that exist today may not be there 5 yrs from now.
Google maps is tracking your behaviour each time you enter a restaurant they ask for a review if you review and write the mutton biryani was excellent the ai in google maps have identified that you love mutton and whenever there is a option where you are searching for milk shakes in Chennai just besides the milk shakes it will offer you a review of the best mutton biryani in Chennai, how google help business.
Google knows you and your behaviour more than you know your self.
Google will also know where you travel what time you travel where you stop to eat, what, do you smoke(if you smoke) how much time you will take to eat a masala dosa vada and tea or normal pattern which route you take to reach where and why you stop at a particular place.
You reach the exact location, but you may also miss a competitive price in this deal. So understand there is no free lunch.
If you stop at a particular tea shop google will identify why you stop there based on study of patterns of others who follow the same route.
How can google identify if you smoke
They track your movements and they will collaborate with people who does the same movements and identify the behaviour patterns the age group etc and the answer will be 90% correct.
As per google they say, they can 99% certify if your husband or wife is cheating on you.
Indian Insurance firms will love this feature.Google can even identify if you are a rash driver or not, and send this data to insurance firms to over charge you next time you make your premium payment or in event of a accident the insurance companies now has a better reason why they should not pay you.
Tesla can raise your cars suspension sitting at their office using central computer.
Sound engineering for automobiles is the next big thing.
Imagine Ferrari without the roaring engine noise, imagine Harley Davison without the potato potato sound.
Sound engineers have a great future in automotive industry, how? Well, with the increasing focus on electric vehicles and its speed and its range, what’s missing is the sound, all electric cars have absolutely no sound, this is in a way is dangerous as most of pedestrians move when they hear the sound, so the next is creation of Ferrari sound, and creation of outdoor speakers system for cars and bikes.
So among the new features that one will check when they purchase new car will be, how powerful is the speakers and who designed it.
For example a r rahman designed bose external speakers 2000 watts.
Each car manufacturers will be designing their own version of engine sound, from now by hearing the artificially created sound of the engine we will say some one has come in a Lamborghini or Tesla.
Next time you walk into a cafe the Ai (artificial intelligence) camera will identify your face, and pass the message to the cashier at the counter and the billing kiosk would say, your name and last time you visited here, what dish you ordered and that’s not all, it will integrate with your bank and says what products you have ordered and which location and from where, also your taste preference and also know if you are diabetic and then send you message of diabetic clinic nearby.
Apple Watch already have a feature where it can measure you ECG and in case of a drop in ECG count it can alert the nearest ambulance service.
Travel and Tourism Industry
It will also identify, if you have a close relative living abroad and then if they have booked a flight they will show the ad that you were looking and send messages to you about the same laptop you were looking for and the price in dubai or USA.
Now if you book your ticket online, The moment a confirmed flight ticket reaches your inbox, all the related marketing activities will start to operate.
Banks with forex card, money exchange ads, logistics companies, Uber service
OTT and home entertainment with subscription channels
Earlier bigger your TV screen the more luxurious it will be, Samsung OLED 65 inch which was 3,50,000 is now 135000 with even better features and you will get a similar LED from TCL with 3 yr full warranty for Rs 65000 despite all this, the need for watching tv has reduced drastically.
The earlier ads where husband and wife fight for tv remote looks so stale. Now everyone can watch their favourite tv shows on their mobile. Why do you need a tv.
Another reason which I personally believe is that, the success of OTT is the ability to fast forward a movie, this is not possible when you are watching a tv subscription.
Most newspaper will go out of business in next 5 yrs, and for most us the news from news papers is what we have already read in their web portal.
The bombay times, page 3, was a key reason for many youngsters to read the times of india, well now we have much more from Instagram, why would one want to read it in print. Plus you need to open the paper to read.
In URBAN warfare.
Drones, Ai (artificial intelligence), laser light guided bullet with 99.9% accuracy is the next scale weaponry of mass destruction.
Drone traffic control room for managing food delivery, courier delivery and medicine delivery there will be prescribed routes for using drones else it can create drone crash like mid air collision or similar.
Remember the time when we use to look up to those who hold a canon 6d etc, now you can get almost the same result as Phone cameras with Ai (artificial intelligence) can make any one a professional photographer with now additional filters, and what ever you can imagine.
You spend some time on Instagram you get to feel everyone is so happy, yet the depression cases in women have increase 10 folds, it’s contrary to the happiness quotient.
The Negative Impact.
New age psychological disorders among children and adults is next big social issues, The next de addiction centres will not be for alcohol and drugs but for mobile phone addiction, porn addiction, game addiction, concentration lapse disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder and what not. Now that
Deepika padukone, has openly declared that she had suffered depression many young ladies have started consulting psychiatrist for being depressed, unknowingly depression and being depressed is totally different subject.
Many are already having such disorders, but not yet identified.
My wife feels I am one, of them, unidentified psycho cases walking freely.
Next generation ideas will be. “Get lost” Tourism.
Take a small piece of land in Ooty or similar place,With cows goats rabbits dogs horses and all domestic animals to spend quality times with them. Read only books, no tv, totally no internet. One psychiatric counsellor. personalised yoga teacher.Eat raw cooked food. This will be the tourism of the future.